Why most business programs don’t work

Fia-Lynn Crandall
3 min readJul 11, 2019

This is a known fact among most business circles, which is bothersome to me.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I spent a month sitting on this, not hitting publish. I hit resistance every time I tried to move it forward. Ever experience that?

The reason is, what I wanted to share highlights a major problem I see with most programs that teach “how to _____ (get more clients, grow your business, etc.)”.

It speaks to a truth I see clearly after taking many programs over the 15 years I’ve been in business. Many programs I took have helped me create great success (that had an expiry date) and others just didn’t work for me.

I have often avoided speaking my truth if it doesn’t go along with what the majority are saying, so I guess that’s why I’ve felt such resistance to sharing this video. It has always felt scary to me as I grew up in an abusive environment where “going along” was safest.

But I’m working through that at even deeper levels, and with this growth, my willingness to show up as I am, and share more of the truth I know will serve, is increasing.

So this week I’m speaking to something that is “normal” and completely common in the “how to” business space for coaches and healers…

Most business programs don’t work for the majority of those who take them.

This is a known fact among business mentor circles.

Doesn’t this bother you?

Imagine going into the grocery store and trying to buy an apple and 90% of the time you bought the apple, you ended up with nothing.

Or 90% of engineering graduates that go on to design bridges but didn’t actually learn the skills they needed to design a bridge that wouldn’t fall down.

Of course there are many factors to what creates success, business is not as simple as buying an apple. You just have to think about all that was involved in getting that apple into your hands to see that business is complex.

Yet there’s an important reason why most business programs don’t work for the majority of those who take them.

Something that took me a long time to get that I’m happy to share with you. If this piece is not understood can lead to so much wasted time, money and energy. Causing frustration and doubt instead of forward movement and momentum.

Rather than writing a full article on this, I realized a video would be easier so I recorded this video:

Click here to access the video.

And if you find the video helpful I’d love to hear your insights in the comments below!



Fia-Lynn Crandall

Business Consultant, Nature-Lover, Co-Creator of www.scalenaturally.com helping entrepreneurs design a custom business that 100% matches them and their gifts.